It is customary for older people to talk about the loose morals of the younger generation, the increased corruption, and lamenting ‘In our times things were not as bad’. Frankly some of the horror stories that I have heard in banking channels makes me wonder, if I have no clue of the eps, why bother […]

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Let me start by saying: It is not easy! Senior citizens – let us say the senior citizen who has been successful in life and has led a healthy life and is now about 75+ years of age. He / she is simply bored. They may or may not admit, but most of them are […]

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This younger generation has no goals, no aims, nothing – we were so focused….so said a friend of mine. I am quite surprised and sometimes saddened when such remarks are made. Every generation has its stars, super stars, successful people, fraudsters, lazy bums, idiots,….in more or less the same quantities is the feeling I got. […]

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