What Warren Buffett says about basic investing, spending, savings are so true, that MOST of us know it. However too many of us do not live it. So it is useful if once in a while somebody can just rejig the memory. If it does make a change in your life, thank HIM (I […]

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Those people who pretend they know how much they are earning, spending, investing or what is their net-worth either maintain detailed accounts or are lying! The mind is a poor accountant, and it creates facts in such a way that is palatable and is socially right sounding! For example if you have spent on some […]

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this article on budgeting appeared in www.moneycontrol.com long back. INCOME: Rs 100, expenses Rs 99, life is fine. Income: Rs 99, expenses Rs 100, life is in despair.     (Due apologies to Charles Dickens!) There used to be a time when it was advisable to have regular health checkups when you 45. Now, it’s closer to […]

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Many people think creating wealth is a very difficult process. Funnily, it is not so! Let us look at some simple steps: 1. Stop procrastination! The best definition of procrastination that I know is unfortunately not printable! But it is easily one of the most important reasons why wealth does not get built. So start […]

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