There is Gen X which believes that the next generation – Gen Y – is the ‘entitlement generation’ . I have a slightly different view. The Gen X has in many cases exploited their parents – right from looking after their children, using their services like a servant, occupying their houses – there has been […]

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Ps: this article is about 5 years old, and they still are floundering. The names have of course been changed, and the airline hidden, but you can guess. Imagine a couple working in Kingfisher! No clue who is paying their EMIs!! now read on…     I was aghast when Capt. Ajoy Athalye walked into […]

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You hear the words ‘financially free’ or ‘financially independent’ regularly, right? What exactly do these words mean? Well there are a few things that it means: 1. You spend significantly lesser than your income: this is difficult to describe beyond a point. Let us say you are earning Rs. 300,000 a month post tax. Your […]

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