Ok the jury is still out on this. Once the Pound was the main currency of world trade, then it slipped. It took a couple of world wars, a depression, huge geo-political changes – big parts of the world shifted out of the Pound’s control…and the dollar became the King. However it was not easy […]

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As a financial trainer I train 22 – 35 year olds. Rarely would my class have people senior than this. However as a financial consultant and speaker at public gatherings, I do come across a lot of senior citizens and these are the issues that they face: 1. My son is in the Middle East […]

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Here is a book review for this great book….and this appeared in BSENSEX – BSE-SENSEX – it is a magazine which goes to the CEOs of companies listed on the BSE  and to all its members. The Trillion Dollar Meltdown: Easy Money, High Rollers, and the Great Credit Crash” by Charles R. Morris One of […]

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