Almost every day somebody asks me this question! This question can take many forms – sometimes a student doing is engineering asks this question or sometimes it is the student’s parent asking this question. Even when a kid is 5 years of age parents need to plan for a ‘good’ education. Good education normally means […]

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The equity markets will improve in 3 months, 7 months, 9 months… have heard them all, have you not? Let us see what is likely to happen in 3 months. The global auto market will not improve, we cannot see any great recovery in the US auto – so the Indian suppliers will not benefit. […]

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When I was talking to a regulator,  he asked me “How come ULIPs (Unit linked insurance plans) charge such a high “entry” load? I told him as a distributor I can actually make more money from a customer selling mutual funds than selling ULIPs because of churn and a trail commission that is based on […]

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