I keep getting this query: “I am 31 years of age, have a 2 year old kid and planning one more in 4 years time. My wife is currently working, but may drop out of the job market at least for a few years..I have a Rs. 1 crore policy which I took when I […]

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the financial services boom in India is built on the MIS-SELLING by banks, mutual funds, and of course life insurance companies, brokerage houses, housing loan companies….and their market capitalization is so high that it is scary. Mutual funds take the money of a 70 year old man and put it in an equity oriented ‘balanced […]

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PS: There are times when I do get paid for writing on my own blog too. It is for you to decide how much to trust my write up. Personally I am not applying for this IPO, but I am a shareholder of Hdfc Ltd, lotsa friends and relatives (yes within the meaning  of the […]

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If you are not in the right books your life is doomed. No this statement has nothing to do with the Sahara life case, but let us look at what the press said about the Sahara Life business being would up and being given to Icici prudential life insurance. There are 3 stated reasons: Chairman […]

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The Term Insurance is the ONLY sensible product that a life insurance company makes. However, the premiums are very low and hence NOBODY in the chain likes to sell this. So the manufacturer does not give any incentive to the sales person and the sales person is OBVIOUSLY not keen to sell it to you. […]

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There is a huge anti IFA and anti life insurance agent in the media. Half baked people with even lesser knowledge do think that the financial advisory business ought not to exist and they can all DIY. DIY stands for Do It Yourself. No person howsoever intelligent and well read can do it all by […]

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Continued from yesterday posts…the remaining 4 reasons… #5 ULIPs are Very Poor Investment Vehicles: Well for people who can reverse engineer a ULIP, there are ways to make ulip efficient. However, as a general rule, ULIP is a bad/ terrible investment. Normally it is ULIP which is sold as a child plan (assuming that the […]

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