When you have lived long enough on the planet, you have one great thing – the ability to look back. Obviously I can look back on investing and can look back about 37 years – when I started. It is also the same age as the relationship with my friend / philosopher / guide / […]

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When you invest in equities, you invest for the long term. Write this down and repeat it to yourself EVERYDAY of your investing life. It is worth its weight in Gold. Oops worth its weight in Equity. That’s more valuable. So the question to ask / consider HAS to be LONG term in nature, right? […]

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If you do not know why a big brokerage house is doing something, copying them because they are a big house is a sure way of wealth destruction. They play a lot of games and across different memberships. For example a broker could be buying and selling he same share – at small margins just […]

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Let us look at this imaginary conversation between my client and my amazing ability to predict markets. C: Hi Subra, Mr. SK of CL Bank recommended you very highly saying you have good stock market skills, so would you be able to manage my portfolio? S: Actually I have good research skill – or so […]

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There were many dire predictions about the equity market in the wake of demonetization –same day as Trump’s victory! Some of these predictions even looked correct and sounded intelligent when we read it. It was proved right when we saw the S&P 500 immediately collapse 5% on the evening of the election results. I saw […]

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The fear center in your brain, can respond to danger in a very short time – one-25th the time it takes to blink your eye. These brain cells fire when an attack dog snarls at you, you lose balance on a cycle in the middle of the road, or the Equity markets dive. Your brain […]

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I have done this post in the past…and this is not a post on how this would have become 650 crores – or whatever. I am doing this post to tell you what response I get when I do such a post: If my father had Rs. 10,000 in 1980, he would have been the […]

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