Should You Retire At All?
If you do not know what you will do when you retire, please find what to do. Retiring without knowing what to do can dull your brain.
Women do various activities – the head of Gynaec in a leading hospital is also a runner, a great cook, and keeps studying something or the other. If she were to retire, she would still be busy, so she can AFFORD to retire. I mean her brain, mind and body will be kept active.
Now, if you are a typical banker or a fund manager who works 10 hours a day, and say 55 hours a week, find some activity that will keep you busy for at least 30 hours a week. Like a leading fund manager told me “I have to keep my job Subra, I get up at 4am and can’t sleep before 11pm. Such a person should not retire, UNLESS he has a hobby which is going to keep him away from pestering his wife!
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