there are many lessons from the saga. The most important thing is that when you are a sole proprietor, the company belongs to you. When you are just “helping” your friend with a start up, YOU ARE THE UNPAID service provider. You need to be compensated – either cash or shares, but not just love and fresh air. Many kids come to me – and I tell them that you are the soul and the business is the body…!!! People forget that. So my lessons from this saga is a lot unprintable – I know too many of the people involved, so my story will remain in my head.

However here is an excellent summary of how there is a conspiracy to kill the IFA..and a few other modes of distribution. This will hurt the small fund houses – but hey, we will attend the funeral, why bother now?

Read is a very well told long story…it will take you some time and effort to read it, but it is worth it. I could never have written such an article – unless I had a kid to do all the research!!

Read on…

  1. Subra Sir

    In layman terms can you say what are the risks for the investors who are using the platform for many years and still continuing.


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