Most people find a purpose in life – of meeting their expenses, buying a bigger home, a bigger car…and most of the life is completed in that. However there are some people who finish their ‘goals’ early.

If you are a person who has met all his/her goals – what do you do after that?

Even among those people who think that purpose is important, their time is sucked by the daily office routine. Make no mistake – life has a routine outside of office too – and a lot of energy is sucked in by that also. Keeping the house clean, personal hygiene, gym, etc. are also part of a routine, and they suck up energy too.

Purpose is not what you think or what you wish to do. It is EXACTLY what you are doing on a day to day basis. Some people go beyond the grind and are able to create some wealth for their families. Many are unable to create their own Retirement box.

If you are a parent who is financially free – give your time to your children. Your family. Your society. You need to be active – non financially too, is it not?

I am not too much into doing charity, but I deal with a couple of charities and I get corporate donors to loosen their purse a little. I also get groups of doctors, IFA, Cfp, etc. to give some donations – I don’t charge them a fee. I mean I tell them what amount of donation they should make. Makes sense for me and for them too perhaps!


  1. If you are a parent who is financially free – give your time to your children. – Many couple I know are too busy in increasing their net-worth and spending time with children seems old-fashioned to them!!Once the corporate life and perks are tasted who likes to devote time to something as tedious and non-flaunting like raising kids!!!

  2. Remain Honest. That is the purpose of life. It is difficult but a very rare trait these days. Don’t Lie as much as possible . hat itself will make you happy. I have heard of some corrupt people making money but loose all happiness in life.Honesty is happiness.

  3. I’m a financially free single guy from B’lore in his late 30s. I’ve taken a break from my internet business and have focused on three things important to me.

    #1: Working out. Hired a personal trainer. Spend 2 hours at the gym every day.
    #2: #Modi2019
    #3: Tinder


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