Sheer incompetence, not fraud…part 2
Continuing the sheer incompetence story.
When you have seen somebody s..w up a portfolio from the periphery what do you do? Well, I tried warning both F and S (You have to read the first part) that they were not on the right path. S was a big believer in Real Estate and had bought properties in many parts of the world (country of course). He was earning well, his wife was earning decently as a school teacher and he was willing to leverage). I remember he once told me “but Subra the amounts that F is handling cannot kill me really”. I like Ayn Rand says ‘Just shrugged’.
Now (2013) wanted blood. Unknown to me he had approached a criminal lawyer (oops he was my classmate who called me for untangling the mess – I refused saying I know them too well and would do nothing to take sides in a story which was incompetence, not fraud). The daughter (and wife) did not utter a word to me. My respect for that woman is sky high. She talks to me IGNORING the fact that I know how much churn she is going through.
S told me “I feel he should compensate me”. I said “F is incompetent – qualified as a botanist and worked in various unrelated jobs – as a banker you showed tremendous incompetence in selecting a fund manager”.
I think both know (but will not admit) that it was a case of sheer incompetence – of S. He chose a wrong adviser.
Even worse. This loss of Rs. 3 crores (S’s figures not authenticated of course) did not happen overnight. Somewhere in the journey why S did not see his portfolio being s..d I have no clue. That is worse than F taking on the responsibility of doing something that he had no competence or liking to do.
D wanted S to just ignore the whole thing. I attended her daughter’s marriage recently and found that she had aged prematurely. She is a dear friend so I really feel for her.
F died but gave too much to S (my view) to buy peace. However F and S were not on talking terms for the past few years, but S did attend the funeral of F – which I could not attend as I was out of station.
I also know that S’s 2 sons went to see a lawyer wanting to challenge the transfer of property of F to S. Luckily I had warned the lawyer about this case, and he convinced the sons that the cost of doing this was not worthwhile. Both the sons love their sister and have enough money of their own. As expected S’s widow is penniless and completely dependent on her sons.
Interestingly S has a net-worth which should be about 5x the nw of the other 3 kids put together.
None. Repeat none. Have peace of mind.
My learning:
Love is important, but competence is what is required to manage money. Do you go to your mom if you have a dental problem or do you go to a dentist?
Why would you go to a botanist to look after your portfolio?
Why would you blame an incompetent man of committing fraud? WHEN YOU know it is incompetence not fraud.
Why would …..oops my questions are unending.
Sad end to a sad story.
I hope the story ends with the death of F. It is time S gave up his venom.
Not for his sake, but for the sake of his wife. She is my friend.
Here, praying for her.
Was F acting as professional advisor for fees, or was he doing it just for helping S ( retired overconfident F trying to help family, with ego large enough to admit ignorance)?
If it was 2nd option, he first gave his most prized asset(daughter D) to S in marriage, then messed up D life causing dysfunctional relationship (all along working for D and S), and ending up paying with his own properties.
Its too high a cost to pay for big ego and inability to admit mistakes.
I agree partly Yrsharma. S is an IDIOT for choosing a botanist for handling his portfolio. That is a crime. Then he did not monitor at all? he was not seeing the portfolio? did not check the rationale of building a 80 share portfolio? did nothing? Old man was happy filling up dividend cheques in paying in slips….etc. RE call for selling off in a prime place was a joint call which S blames F. Like I said sad ending to a sad story. Important learning.
Is that F’s widow or S widow who is penniless
S was sleeping at the wheel.. F was too proud to realise his incompetence.. both are partly responsible.
Three kids are collateral damage. That is the sad part..
Oh my god , what a mess with loads of pain
Today we might talk many things. In 1980s and 1990s, situation was different for NRIs in absence of net banking and other online investments. They needed to have support in India to do all the bank works, payments, RE deals, coordination, million visits and so on. As NRIs income grows, the facilitator work becomes full time in India running around all kinds of chores. Most of the NRIs are allergic to pay for services and need a unpaid labour to take care of all transactions. FIL & his sons are the first to knock on and out of the respect for SIL, they will oblige. A retired FIL is a god send gift to SIL because he will do all services free of cost without complaining as if it is like his medical emergency.
Even for investments, most of the NRIs had to depend on local information from FILs as those days situation was different. Over a period of time, FIL gets abused for delay in things and murky deals (every RE in India) with or without his agreement. Ultimately after 10-15 years of free service, all FIL gets is blame and spoiled relation. Funny thing is, NRI SIL won’t trust his own family back home for investments.
Wrote this because, I was not a FIL but FIL’s son and went all about helping NRIs investments and gave very good returns. When I visited them abroad, received horrible treatment because of difference in class (rich vs middle class). It was an eye opener and would never ever helped NRIs since then free of cost.
In case of mistakes by parents – Children always suffer the collateral damage
Family members destroying portfolios or just messing up is not uncommon. I handled a few family portfolios. Luckily the damage I caused was less than the right decisions…and the family members stayed through the bad times…so they could see the good times. Trusting if fine, but verifying is just as important..
Just so very sad.