Book on Investing – Equities and Debt
I am under pressure to write a book on equities. Well, what is your view?
More importantly…what do you want to see in a book on equities?
Please put it on the comment section please…
I am under pressure to write a book on equities. Well, what is your view?
More importantly…what do you want to see in a book on equities?
Please put it on the comment section please…
1. Basic checklist to form a initial list of potential companies for investment( how to eliminate 99 percent of the listed space)
2. Fundamental analysis/Ratios and their application for companies from different industries
3. Investment rationale illustrated with real companies
4.Margin of safety
5. Warning signs to look out for
6. Weightage and allocation strategies for absolute return investing
7. When to sell?
8. Portfolio creation/ diversification
9. Portfolio monitoring
10. Delivery based trading strategies
Nithin lakshmanan
how to come up with the Intrinsic value of a company from the historical annual reports as many do.
don’t write book on equity.
Core portfolio
Trading portfolio
Strategies for trading portfolio
Ganesh B
Stock selling scenarios and strategies
Chandra shekar
Write a book on debt Investing sir
Quality of paper
Ratings and their importance
When to buy debt
Long term investment in debt
Default of paper and it’s impact on paper
Importamce of debt in diversification
Debt as an asset class
And many sir are best in writing
Your experience over the years. That is priceless.
Great idea, Subra sir.. All the points mentioned by Karthik (excellent points). That covers the ‘math’ part.. Plus,
11. The ‘arts’ part of investing.. Moat measurement, Judging management quality, India specific cases.
12. Forensic accounting from investing perspective.
how to invest and have peace of mind also.
1. How to identify if a market or sector is overvalued or undervalued?
2. How to identify an emerging / ongoing trend – is finding trend reversal possible?
3. How to get detailed information on a sector – primarily from annual reports of companies in that sector?
4. What are the parameters to assess the business and How to understand the business – from where to get that info?
5. What are the parameters to assess quality of the management – just googling about them for news is good enough?
6. What type of valuation approach suits what types of sectors – like DDM, DCF, EBITDA, PE, PB, FCF etc.,
How to avoid herd mentality in investing, and keep focused on value.
How to know what you are paying is a bargain
How to know when to sell, how to avoid regrets, if it goes up when you sell.
Should you track stocks which you have sold? if yes, would you buy if it doubles from exit price?
How to avoid trends, e.g education stocks
How to change your portfolio with age
1.concentrated portfolio creation for retail investor with small amount each month.
2.sector allocation
3.stock valuation methods
Hariprasad Nagalapur
should be mentioned about index funds? Types of index funds. Why every person should choose index funds.
1- How direct equity is different from mutual fund.
2- How fear and greed affect the decisions of investor.
3- What should be the behaviour of investor in bull and bear market.
4- How media,news channels and internet affect the buying and selling decisions.
5- Always heard about people getting wealthy by direct equity investing. But never saw anyone getting wealthy by investing in mutual fund.
6-Is Investing in shares is for getting rich and Investing in mutual fund for completing personal financial goals?
7- Possible sign of a new investor slowly becoming a trader.
8- Is it really worth for a new investor to learn about investing style of Warren Buffet, Peter Lynch and others?
9- Why people in india stay away from market securities.
10- How to invest in an IPO.
Subra sir, there are very few books on equity investment in Indian context. Although there are many articles on how to do fundamental analysis by Dr. Vijay Malik, it would still be better if you can write a book with main focus given to the management of the company and how to review them. With your rich experience, I am sure it would be one of the most cited book once you write.
Seshadri s
My best wishes.
I am sure it will be a good hand book for all of us, who have inclination to learn from an expert like you(Especially from a guy like me whose wave length with regard to “greed,fear and risks” match.
I will request you to cover some chapters on as to how a check on technical and fundamental analysis of a stock is done,its frequencies and alerts one should watch for.
Now a days Charting part takes its own place in the stock market to some extend. Please share your views in this respect.
Subra, first of all, good thought. Given that there are enough and more books on all the points (technical, valuing, math, etc.), I would like to buy and read your book – when it covers ONLY your personal stock journey (from vague thought, data collection, price analysis/paralysis, buy, holding/overcome temptation, sell, happy/regret, advise others), since we all / I can relate with you.
how to minimize the transactions while building of a portfolio
how to hedge the portfolio once it has grown (e.g. protect from DHFL crash like scenarios)