Prayer for 2018!
This prayer is on behalf of my portfolio, my clients portfolio and the fund managers that I use:
Hey God please give me good and very good fund managers who have no ego and seek contrary opinion…
Give me ‘balanced’ funds which have less than 89% in equity
Give me the ability to beat the benchmarks with a 3% margin, of course, after costs
Give me this day my awesome research, secret undervalued, thinly-held, heavily held by promoters, rich, growing, ambitious promoter, reasonably liquid share in a less efficient market. Come on God, do not laugh.
Give me nice audiences who think I did well because of my intelligence.
Give me clients and readers who still look in awe at compounding.
Give me awesome Fed, Rbi, etc. who keep interest artificially low for another 30 years
Give me an audience which thinks our gen is awesome, not realizing asset price inflation.
Give the Bitcoin bubble enough strength that my investment becomes more valuable than the Kohinoor diamond. Just a few weeks God, please.
Give me reversion to the Mean when my fund managers make poor choices
Give more IPO so that fund managers can find newer mistakes to make
Give me the sense not to ask for top decile performance every year. I am happy with the top quartile.
God keep my greed in check…I just want a space ship – just one. Grant it Oh God.
Even though I walk through the valley of ETFs, help me to fear their performance, I have no clue why people put so much money in ETF. A billion US $ inflow ….hmm..
Give enough NFOs to MFs – close ended of course, so that all of us can buy all shares and then create a story
Give enough story telling skills to fund managers and their cohorts – the sales guys!
and Dayenu.
Even if you give me none of this, you have given me much, much more than enough. Perhaps more than what I deserve. I am thrilled, happy and satisfied with what you have given me. Please take time to solve other major problems in the world.
Now let me ask you one thing I really want: Give “enough” in attitude to people in the overpaid, over pampered people in the BFSI space. Tough one God, please try.
Merry Christmas.
Amen to that….
:). Merry Christmas and wish you a happy new year.
Great prayer! Very insightful too.