Narendra Modi should be worried
Narendra Modi did wear a brave face and attended the wedding of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma and even had many photos clicked. He must have been a worried man. The media made his victory look like defeat in Gujarat.
He should take time to listen to the people. Most of the youth talking to the media is talking of ‘Jobs’. People want jobs. Preferably permanent jobs in the government. An indexed pension, and no worry of losing their jobs EVER.
Sounds funny?
The same set of people who do not attend colleges. If a college exam is made difficult parents and teachers protest. Colleges which have no need for attendance register. Where in some states copying is their birthright.
Let the students answer one question – how many of them are employable? Leaving aside the few engineering colleges, medical colleges and the CA institute how many of our educational institutions create ’employable’ people?
So we have students who will roam around malls, get a Bcom, follow it up with an MBA from a nth grade college – spending Rs. 10,00,000 to get it, and then ask the government to create jobs for them. The rich kids are going abroad – not that they cannot study here, but India is too competitive. So for many of these kids going abroad is an easy way of escaping competition. Australia and Canada are still taking Indian students – and a work visa is almost guaranteed. Many universities abroad are alive on the basis that Indians, Indonesians, and Chinese will come to study in those universities. God bless them.
Of course their parents earned well and can spend 2-3 million rupees – if not $ 150,000 – which a friend ear marked last year for his son’s POST GRADUATE education in the USA – a nice good branded Mba – WITH zero aid.
Well Mr. Modi the Indian now wants a great degree without much effort. A fantastic well paying job guaranteed for life and paying well enough for him to buy a house in Mumbai, drive a nice car, have a comprehensive insurance, an indexed pension while doing a SIP of Rs. 3500 per month.
The market and Mr Modi will both struggle to meet market expectations. Not that they cannot, but the expectation is far, far, beyond what most of us deserve. God bless.
I see a group of these educated, unemployed and unemployable sitting around in my middle class colony– supported in their profligate habits by worried middle class parents, parents who have run out of options. After shouting at kids who wont listen, what can parents do?
In unconnected events– I see parents who must work because their kids are studying and private college education in India is also not cheap. Retirement is a luxury they cannot even think of.
Recent article in ET that well qualified people (MBAs, MAs & CAs) applied for Cleaner jobs in Municipality of UP Govt should sound alarming bells.
With Indian population rising 100 million a year, probably 5 Australias each year, it is going to be too tough to find a job be it private or govt.
You can soon expect Min Urban Employment as like NREGA
Charudutt Deshpande
The whole idea of earning more with less effort (read:desk job,high paying IT jobs,unrealistic ideas about getting rich like joining politics,Govt.contracting bznses etc.have killed the value of hard (read : physical,sales,shop floor and agriculture) work. Besides eroding value system is cherry on the cake.
15 lakh rs to credit per account
no black
reduced fuel costs
inflation free
corruption free
swatch, lawful, raamrajya
sky.. moon.. mars..
all in 50days / 50months
offers was plenty
who can complain