Fan Mail
Hi Subra (I should call Respected Actually)
This is a very long pending mail which i am supposed to send you.
I wholeheartedly thank you for virtually imparting all the knowledge. I wish you all success in whatever you do now. Expecting a Equity book soon! All the best!
I just saw your comment in fb on that day and really saddened . I would like to write a very short email how you made an impact in my life.
This post is not intended to boast my accomplished things or my report card. I just want to highlight how remotely you helped me with your writing.
We are typically from Sirkazhi (Interior TN) moved to city for a better education and Job opportunities. My saving habits started because of my father , and Grand father at young age(school days) but you and pattu sir shaped that very well to the current scenario.
I have been following you for the past six years. I mean i read most of the daily posts whatever you write
Personal Finance:
For the past six years i have been working in software industry. (Age – 26)
1. You taught me how to live frugal by using Public transport , riding bicycle.
I also use uber , ola when going out with family. We dont own a car.
No plans of buying car as me and parents located in diff city as of now.
2. How Starting early is goi to help and how inflation matters
3. Power of Compounding – When i was reading your posts i would often realise how i could not connect with this in my 6th class or 8th class when i was introduced first to it.
4. Not to dabble money by investing in direct stocks. (Did not get any major loss, i should say you saved me!)
5. Why RE Should not be bought as an investment (Case studies which cleary tells abt Asset rich cash poor)
6. I have a medical insurance by me ,(Apart form employer) and maintain an emergency fund .
7. In addition to this i manage my Parents portfolio also . But full inaction and not much action. (How to reduce the tax outgo by moving a part of amount in Debt Funds, That helped here).
8. Live for self and not for showing off (Thinking that we are outdated if we dont have the latest smartphone). My urge to change my electronic gadgets has got reduced. Invested in a cycle 
9. I contribute a small amount monthly for educating a kid. ( On seeing one of your post)
By following all I could save up to 75x of my current monthly expenses.(x). Nothing to boast here. All the above learning because of you.Still learning from you.
No debt till now. and No credit card. (On seeing your credit card posts I did not get one to avoid the alarming interest rate if i miss the deadline) , i dont need. Dad s debit card is my credit card. i dont use .
Generally father started teaching abt saving very early in school days by opening a bank account.
In between family was in a crisis situation such that i had to handle everything alone (@21). Hence i started searching online , I found few people who are writing abt Personal finance. You were actually telling investor abt problem in the Ulips (mis selling), how easy to lose money in direct equities, bad on having short term horizon on equities , Why only term insurance. lot more.
I could not recollect which exact post pointed me work on fitness
I bought a cycle, and I saw you running SCMM, I have never run literally in my life time. Joined a nearby Running Group and participated in some 5-6 HM and some 10k. Not ventured into Full marathons as that kind of mental maturity not yet reached
badminton 3-4 times in a month. (You have highlighted good for cardio)
Taking care of my elderly Parents:
I bought Vivekananda complete works , Still yet to continuously make a habit of reading
Need to get the Economics basics right, and then move up in the investing books.
completed both of your books. (Action points are there! which i need to do)
Retire Rich by investing Rs.40/-
You can become rich by Goal based investing
My Mom is very curious on reading your posts. (she has just now got introduced internet as she keeps herself busy in household works) and every time when i meet her she innocently asks me how is subra sir and pattu sir as if i meet you. I explain her both of them are having so many followers! i am one among them.
During our dinner time me and my sister discuss many of your posts!
Keep Writing.
I have a endless list which i want to do in life based on your writings i will take it up slowly as i have a full time job .
Would like to see you when i come to Mumbai
Will this kid get an appointment.
Have a fantastic Run at scmm.! all the best!
Your Sincere fan
Subra Fan: Very well said and appreciate your efforts too. Good writing and learning is continuous improvement.Keep going and like you I am a big follower of Subra.
Thanks Subra for your effort towards the society!
Srinivasan Muthu
This almost shows the most of the followers mindset and wellsaid bro.
Every word is true and every fan of yours will relate with this. May you always find success and mental peace.
Just superb! So good to see the impact of your writing sir.
I must agree , i regularly take so many pointers from your blog.
Keeps me thinking and focused
Subra, Take a bow!!!!
Ditto Srinivasan Muthu.
or 7.5x (which is believable)
similar here. your blogs helped me change my perspective too.
@EV its posisble to save 75X of your monthly expenses.
In my ten years of job I have managed to save 83 months of expenses and I am married with a kid which means more expenses. I have not even counted my wife’s share of savings and if I include that it goes up to 120 months of expenses.
Vivek Hingorani
Looks like a big fan. I am also around 30% of this fan. But as again please keep writing. Your articles are a daily dose of knowledge and deep thinking. Keep writing sir