Personal Finance is dull, boring but…
‘Subra all that you say is right…but finding a planner, or doing it yourself is so damn boring…what to do’
Asked a 31 year old girl who was having lunch with me. I really think personal finance is boring.
- There is nothing to talk about my 17 year SIP in Franklin India Bluechip and Prima
- There is nothing to talk about my Equity portfolio which is feeding me, tax free
- What is there to talk about the Term Insurance that gave peace of mind to my family?
- What is there to talk about the Medical Insurance that I took 13 years ago – and dammit made no claim so far?
- What is so sexy about taking an Uber or Ola every time you need to go around?
- What is so exciting about using public transport to save the environment?
- What is so smart about owning a car garage but not owning a car?
- Spending less than you earn is boring
- Refusing to give loans to friends and relatives without paperwork is boring
Putting all these systems in place is nice interesting perhaps for the beginner. However, once your mutual funds are chosen, the SIP continues to happen, and the other things kick into place, life becomes boring. You cannot talk about the exciting trading that your friends are doing – AND SURELY LOSING NICE SUMS OF MONEY.
Buying things that you do not need with money that you do not have, to impress friends who do not care, by doing a job that you do not like – all this is interesting is it?
How exciting was it to buy that over priced child plan which you no longer need?
How exciting was it to trade in Orient Cables, Poornima Construction,?
Or Invest in Punj Lloyd? Or Shaan Interval? Or Crest Animation? or Krishna Filament? I am sure the SELLER laughed all the way to the bank -I can still hear the cackles and laughter.
Hey Personal finance, dieting, a simple life – can all be boring for the outsider who cannot see the beautiful end result. If you see obstacles on the route to your personal financial liberty it clearly means you took your eyes off your goal. Only when you take your eyes off your goal can you see the objectives. When you have to head North, head north.
There is nothing sexy or exciting about good financial habits. Lets face it there is nothing exciting about getting up in the morning, making your bed, brushing your teeth, going to the gym, being controlled in eating, doing medical check ups – HOWEVER, it is EFFECTIVE. Similarly financial habits are boring. Now that should not be confused with useless.
The question to ask is – do all these steps described by Subra – will they set me financially free? And will it put enough ‘F-you money’ in my that one day when I am (say 39) go to my boss and say “F-you” I am going to pursue my dreams, and I can afford to look for an INTERESTING career and not look for a job which will just give me money. Thank you boss, but Goodbye.
Good one to start regular and dull Morning
Good article again.. Nice sir.
age 36, Portfolio of around 1.2 crore debt funds/debt investments 1crore & 20 lacks in equity, no house owned staying on rent,
wife & 7yr old fully dependent & mother & father semi dependent (for medical), covered with 2 Crore term & 20 lacks medical,
Do i have the F*u money , I really need to say F*U to company but do not have the courage for last 7 months. I guess if i am asking i can not do it right?
CA by profession 14 yrs experience, salary 38 L. P.A. this is stopping me from saying the F*U, do not know what to do?
absolutely frugal life less than 30K per month of expenses including rent & enjoyment money.
Excellent Subra sir . Hats off to You !
Beautifully summarized entire Personal Finance in one single Article .
After starting to re organise my personal financial world around 7 years back with your help , things are really getting boring now !
Why should personal finance be interesting unless its ones career?
It’s just something to be sorted out and a plan put in place…. We can get on with our profession and living.