Wealthy Mindset or otherwise…
A wealthy mindset is what Kiyosaki calls Rich Dad behavior..how is it different from from a Poor dad mindset? I met rich people, very rich people and others..here is my observation:
- The rich earn far, far more than what they need and use
- As a corollary to that, their expenses are a small fraction of what they earn
- They know the difference between earned income, unearned income, realized income and unrealized income
- Their net worth is a few times more than their residential property
- They do not go into debt for consumption
- They know how much debt to go into for investing
- Even salary negotiations are done with lots of data maintained in a day to day diary
- They hold assets far, far in excess of debt
- Almost all their money is working for them, and working hard. They got rich that way, dammit.
- They are not slaves to any brand, lifestyle, nor do they worry about ‘what others will think’
- They are constantly looking to increase their REAL NET WORTH.
- Their children are brought up with a lot of wealth value systems
- If they do take debt it is for tax benefit, or to teach the kids the value of money – educational loans being a case in point
- They understand the difference between risk, volatility and inflation
- They learn money management skills from their parents / friend circle
- They virtuous cycle of being rich, compounding, and knowing how money works makes them richer
there should be much more…but these are just off hand…see where do you fall…this group or the debt group?
Wow, succinct.
Thanks Subra
i scored well on 11 points. hope that is good news
Most will fail in this category.
** Their Net Worth is a FEW times of residential property **
yes Pandu..if their house is worth Rs. 3 crores, we are talking of people with a net worth of say 25-30 crores…so 8 to 10 times…
In other words @Subra,
— Residential Property is NOT the *best* way to increase your Net Worth —
Increase your Net Worth FIRST, before you purchase your residential property. Especially with today’s heated Residential Property rates.
Again, I am not saying RE will not increase your Net Worth. It will. Just not the *best*.
regarding residential property, if i have one for usage, it is not really part of net worth (unless i intend to sell & buy a smaller one).
should i look at its current expected market value or just what i paid to buy?
they also “flip” shady real estate deals;
hold companies that filed chapter 11 and keep mum about it;