Is this scary?
We have always measured success in the speed of growth and never in terms of sustainable growth. When you chase growth there is a tendency to destroy the planet in which we live.
However, today I am seeing people in their late 20s and early 30s who are :
- concerned about cleanliness
- concerned about government -RTI
- concerned about bribing
- willing to spend a lot of time and money on stray dogs / cats
- wanting to spend money on travel and leisure
- will to remain single
- walking out of marriages, relationships, jobs if they do not like it
- not too keen to buy a car (Uber, Ola, public transport)
- not keen at all to buy a house (renting is cheaper they say: I have been saying that for 20 years)
- willing to quit a good job at 35 years of age to see the Himalayas – and hoping to get a job after 2 years
- willing to experiment with new products
- a big portion of the population is a brand slave AND
- a big portion of the population refuses to be a brand slave
- they laugh at people who are brand slaves too
How do you define ‘customer loyalty’ to this audience? will they commit to marriage? a builder? or an auto company? What criteria are YOU going to use for judging them? or to the companies that are supplying to them?
How is an employer going to believe that they will stick to their jobs for 20 years? or 30?
What if more and more people shift to term insurance? who will fund the government and buy its 8% loans?
“..What if more and more people shift to term insurance? who will fund the government and buy its 8% loans?..”
Easy Peasy! Increase the SLR from 23% of deposits to 31%. Job complete!
As far as funding of FPOs of PSUs, now that’s an entirely different beast.
Your last line is killer and out of box thinking sure way. Obviously if NO Home Loan EMI, leaving single ( so no liability ЁЯЩВ ), NO CAR loan , and finally no worry about job security.
So Who will buy Govt 8% Loan?
Can you extend little more the post situation?
sir all the points you mentioned are all classic symptoms of роОродрпИ родро┐ройрпНро▒ро╛ро▓рпН рокро┐родрпНродроорпН родрпЖро│ро┐ропрпБроорпН
not some great роЮро╛ройрпЛродропроорпН
Ashutosh Chakraborty
I tried and failed to understand what you meant by “who will fund the government and buy its 8% loans?”. Sorry, but can one help me? That 8% figure looks close to what govt banks give as fixed deposit returns. Does the statement mean people will not open fixed deposit? I heard home loans in India are north of 14%. So, probably the statement is not related to rate of interest of home loans.
Sanjay Singhaniya
Where else can you get 8% guaranteed interest? No risk of default.
In fact, you only have advocated tax free bonds to few people. Young generation will become old in 2 decades and will buy govt bond for retirement.