Narendra Modi and his economic policies
As a rule I do not like to write political blog posts. It is not that I have not done it, but I do not like it…
In 2014 when we voted Na Mo to power we surely expected to see some changes..let us see what state are we in today. Enough time has passed to see if there are at least some green shoots visible. To me nothing much is visible…
Na Mo keeps saying “Our (the government’s) job is that of a facilitator to create new opportunities.” Nice to hear. If you had heard this before he came to power, you would assume the following:
– he would sell the stake in the private sector companies that they hold, in the partly privatised company that the past governments sold, and initiate privatisation in some of the public sector companies.
He has done NOTHING of that sort. ITC, L&T and Axis bank – three companies which are run for the top shareholders and top management have ensured that the government owns the stake and the ‘top’ management can do what it wants. Enjoy guys.
Has done NOTHING in changing the ownership patterns of the companies that they have partly privatised.
Continues to interfere in ‘free’ pricing of petrol.
Continues to subsidise Air India and allows loot on the other side. India’s biggest paradox in management.
Interferes in banks- allowing the accumulated losses of Spice Jet, etc. to mount
Public sector banks can still do what they want, and Gyan sammelans do not bring about anything new.
The massive account opening tamasha happened far more in psu banks than in private sector banks.
Coal India! Jaitely decides on E auction? privatisation of energy sector? MY left foot, Mr. Modi.
On the economic front nothing has really changed. Am I happy or sad? Neither. I prefer a man who says one thing and does the same thing. That is all. Forked tongue is what Firstpost called him in an article.
I would like to remind you of ‘Ravana’ – 10 tonuges – forked is just 2 right?
Dear Sir,
Truth is always bitter.
more often thn not people who come to power on promise of change (alone) – 2008 obama and now 2014 namo will talk a lot and accomplish nothing
he is still head, shoulders, chest, waist, knees…over and above ak49 and ra ga…
Subra Sir,
You are a very experience player ( both market wise and zindagi ka tazurba wise). You know that elections are won by hope and money. The reality, post elections, are always always bitter and it’s dangerous when you a party with single majority.
Having said that, shouldn’t we wait for the first budget? That will decide the momentum for the next year and so on.
Pardon my ignorance but who is ak49?
ak49 refers to Arvind Kejriwal and his Chief minister-ship for 49 days in Delhi.
I agree nothing much as changed on economic front – but i think it’s too early to say that nothing will change in next 4 years.
There is a good vibe that India will grow under Modi, i hope it comes true and i wish it’s not India Shining 2.0
I was not a Modi fan but have become one in the last six months. He hasn’t brought about much change but at least he is making an effort. He is making the right noises. It is not easy trying to change the fortunes of the second most populated country in the world where expectations are high.
What would you have done in his place? Do you think that implementing things is easy in India? Appreciate the effort he is making compared to the previous governments. Do you have a better idea for any other leader or government in his place? Running a country the size of India and its myriad population and diverse culture is not the same as writing a blog!
Rajiv Ahuja
Like you Subra Sir,I had great expectations from him but frankly speaking the way he dithers on the Economic front,I am tad disenchanted with him. Maybe my expectations were high.
Abhijeet Dongre
I think we should give new government more time. If expectation for big bang reforms was there, it was a false expectation. No politician would do that, even if he had promised or hinted at it during elections. Politicians do big bang reforms only when forced, like 1991 liberalization.
In my opinion, the budget will be a good indicator to judge whether we will get a UPA I, a little better than UPA II or something even better than UPA I.
do we had, have, will have…. a choice….
If he had accomplished all the Subra has put in this blog there would perhaps have been a rebellion
PSU Bankers, railway workers, coal miners, Mazdoor sanghs, etc. would have been on the streets. Indians are slow. It takes time for them to realize the right path and a little bit of brain-washing is necessary.
Having said, I would have liked him to show some urgency on the disinvestment and removal of subsidy front. Sad to see that it is not happening.
“We The People” have made the best of a bad bargain (No Ra ga…or AK49) Keep your fingers crossed for the next 52 months.
I am really surprised why people are not talking about the so called opposition which is hindering the bills.
If expected changes are to happen, then constitution has to be amended.. right?
Our prime Minister is going to corporatisation of Indian Ordnance Factories also. Now private companies (51% stake)will make arms and explosives for the security of our country.