Personal Finance workshops….
If you thought it is about a personal finance workshop that I am about to do, sorry this is not about that.
In the past 10 days about 25-30 people have asked me ‘Subra do you still do your Personal Finance Workshops?’
The answer is NO. And the reasons are the following:
– Mostly personal finance is about DOING, not about KNOWING. My trainings can TEACH you, but cannot make you DO things, so I will fail in my efforts.
-Most people think (pretend?) that they know personal finance. Surely they do not need ME do they?
-Thanks to the financial services (oil skin?) salesmen going around, MOST people including banks want this service free. And they do know that if I do not do it, somebody else will.
-Recently i got a bunch of friends to attend a workshop (along with their wives) where I did a portfolio review. It was not a very pleasant one – I can assure you.
-I am happy to do a portfolio review and action to be taken kind of a ‘NOTE’ provided people want it – but it a) has to be a couple and b) not more than 10 couples and in Mumbai – and on a weekday. Never on a weekend….please do not treat personal finance as a week end topic. It is not.
Probably too much to ask but will appreciate if you can… Video record such a session and post online so others can benefit as well…
Milind N
Subra…Would like to be part of it
Mohana Ganesh
This is the best news I got today. We both would like to attend. When is it Subra?
Gajendra Kothari
Good one Subra. Infact these days, I have started charging for conducting such sessions. I have realized that there is no value for free advice.
Mira D
Please count me in. Please give enough advance notice so we can schedule this.
S Majumdar
Please confirm when it is scheduled?
How do we participate Subra?