Make your financial plan, Now and here How!!
Make that first investment; waiting is costing you a bomb!
After every lecture on financial planning, I get many requests for information from, young people just starting out in life. Regardless of their age, people do realize that a little upfront planning and action can put them ahead of the game. Thanks to the paid media, if you too believe that life starts with having a financial planner, banish the thought.
You do not need a planner. Simply because you do not even know how to get a good financial planner. A good financial planner should make himself / herself redundant in about 3-5 years time….
Well learn the basics here..see how much you can do it yourself:
Let us start at the very beginning…a very good place to start The first steps have to be A, B, C or Do Re Mi…..if that sounds better!
Set your goals. So what are the steps?
1. Think where you want to be in five years:
How much will you have invested?
Will you own a home? Where? What size?
Will you have kids who will go to college someday?
What kind of car do you see yourself driving? Will you take time off from work to study? To have a baby? To pursue a different career? What else is important to you financially?
2. Think about the roadblocks and the potholes along the way – you do not want to fall, do you?
Write down your financial worries. Being late on credit card payments, delaying the student loan repayment, borrowing from your parents (anybody), increasing housing EMIs, ..could be endless, so please be truthful.
Make a list of your financial worries Set Your Goals, NOW! Let us put some numbers and dates in place to see if it helps to explain what I have said. Use this timeline to sketch out what you hope to accomplish year by year:
Saving Goals by Time Horizon Goals for 20×1:
1. 2. Goals for 20×2: 1. 2.
Goals for 20×3: 1. 2.
Goals for 20×5: 1. 2.
Goals for 2017: 1. 2.
Khyati and John are in their late 20s. She has a MBA in finance and he is a doctor. They were married last year.
She owes Rs.500, 000 in educational loans.
He has just started his practice and has a student loan – Rs. 800,000.
She makes Rs.600, 000 a year and he makes Rs.200, 000. They live in a rented house. John has just started his practice after quitting his job in a big hospital. He wants to buy a clinic before he commits to a house. They think they want to start a family in about four years.
They have been using credit cards since their college days and now owe Rs.6, 000 on three cards.
Like all 26 year olds, they want a house, a better car, a vacation in Europe, a couple of babies, but they were quick to realize one thing. There is too much of conflict of what they wish to do with their money, and too little money!
Here is how they prioritized their goals over the next five years:
Khyati and John’s Goals Goals for 20×1: 1. Pay off Rs.100, 000 of school loans. 2. Pay off remaining credit card balances and resolve to pay bills in full each month.
3. Start contributing Rs. 50,000 to a mutual fund.
4. Take a term insurance – their respective fathers have guaranteed the education loans
Goals for 20×2: 1. Pay off Rs. 300,000 of student loans. Khyati feels this will be possible because some of her National savings certificates are maturing (worth Rs. 50,000) and her employer is creating a scheme by which she will get a matching grant to pay off an educational loan.
2. John to start a SIP of Rs. 5000 per month to build a “clinic buying corpus” – in 5 years they hope to have enough money to make a down payment.
Goals for 20×2:
1. Pay off all educational loans! Now fully debt free.
2. Buy a car. Downsized EMI from Rs. 11,000 to Rs. 4340 p.m.
3. Think about a house and start looking. Alternatively, start looking for buying a clinic.
4. Increase SIP amount to Rs. 15000 per month.
Goals for 20×2:
1. Make a down payment – for a clinic or house, whichever is first!
2. John to accept full responsibility for the mutual fund SIP, term life insurance premium, and the car EMIs.
3. Planning to have a baby!
Goals for 2015: 1. First child is born. Take out term life insurance to cover the clinic mortgage and the child’s education if something should happen to either parent.
3. Have a will drawn up by appointing a friend as a guardian for the baby.
4. Save 500,000 per annum in mutual funds, and plan to buy a house. You can see from this example that if you have competing goals, it may call for a multiyear approach. Try to make some progress on each goal every year. Also Khyati was very happy to have been able to make this plan, postpone their car purchase, shelving the second car, downsize her car EMI, downsizing the “vacation goals” to what could be covered by her LTA, realizing that since theirs was a love marriage and parental support was missing, they had to be far more frugal than some friends.
John was happy to have his clinic – he never thought it possible. He was happy to give up his personal expenses to save for a goal. They were happy to be free of debt so soon. It is your life and you need to make the choices – in this case Jointly. You can see from the example that in order to meet your financial objectives, you have to have some discretionary cash to put aside.
The only way to do that is to take a close look at the money coming in and the money going out. You should also make sure to budget money to invest. Ideally, that will be about 10% of take-home pay. Otherwise, you may need to work up to that goal over a couple years.
Set Aside an Emergency Fund Your first investment goal should be to set up an emergency fund–money you can tap in case you lose your job or are hit with an emergency bill, such as medical expenses. Start Building Your Core Portfolio Once you have taken care of the emergency fund, it is time to choose the building blocks for your portfolio.
I know I am repeating this the second time …. but I sooooo wish I had come across this post when I got married 10yrs back! I aim to become the best in the investment industry and my husband only believes in negative compounding aka “take a loan for everything”
what a contrast!
I think you are correct in your observations. I truly wish that I had read the article earlier but better late then never. There is a saying to that effect in Hindi that whenever I gets up there is the sunrise.
amarjit singh kambo
dear PV sir 28.08.2013
Want to join subramoney
Sir what is the procedure/ modality
Sorry for the stupid question but Iam an old man trying to catch up with technology of young people