Brilliant views on the Budget 2013
Subramoney was the only blog which did not have a view on the most important media event of the day at 11am.
So I decided to write my views (at 8 pm Wednesday) on PC’s budget to be presented on Thursday…here it is. It is the only post (I challenge you) to have such a lucid take on the budget based on sheer time spent on planet earth.
– As the budget has left the duties on fuel unchanged, shift to a cycle. Knowing how to live within your means is so damn important. You know that new people are available at 1/3 rd the prices at which you got hired from IIM in 2006.
-Please go for a nice vacation with your wife and carry a cycle along. Make sure you buy it in a shady shop where you can bargain. Malaysia of course, not Singapore.
-As the cost of medicines have gone up please shift to homeopathy and naturopathy. Allopathy is useful only to create pain elsewhere…
– the business of Financial Advisers is being nationalized. So it will now be priced at Rs. 35,000 per session – but hey the amount will be tax deductible.
– the basic income tax limit has been raised to Rs. 145,000. If you do not like this figure, change it to 345,000. I told you , it is a flexible budget did i not?
-P C has introduced a new Aadhar -Uddhar card. This card will be over and above the current Aadhar card. This will entitle you to a bank loan. Just show your card, one visiting card, and a page 3 personality. Minimum drawdown is Rs. 1000 crores. So those of us who want only a couple of crores, will not find it useful. Last heard of Vijay Mallaya was grinning….
more to follow after i pretend reading the book……er i mean the budget book
Doesn’t worth to comment
whtz this?
Superb, i enjoyed reading this post.
Honestly, there is no need for this budget. Huh, only 42000 earning above 1 crore. good joke. I am fainted with this budget.
homeopathy really? why not shift to prayer and rosary beads.they work too
pooja r
pravin what are you trying to say? That homeopathy does not work or Christianity is the only religion which works?
@ pooja
I guess he is saying all religions are crap and I am in full agreement.
Dr. Mohd Ali Khan
Sorry to sound like a pedant.. Just would like to point out the fact that there is NO field of Medicine called Allopathy, (except in the imagination of ‘alternative’ medicine practitioners).
“As the cost of medicines have gone up please shift to homeopathy and naturopathy. Allopathy is useful only to create pain elsewhere… ”
Please restrict the content to the matter you are reasonably skilled at..(financial planning)…:)
Don VIto
I second Rajesh
Today’s TOIlet paper made BUDGET as more of ENTERTAINMENT event then financial event.
Snehal Bhatt
amazed how Subra has a zero censorship policy and a zero reaction policy too! He writes what he wants to – finance, accounts, wealth, equities, financial planning, regulator, marathon running, health….etc etc…immaterial of what people comment. A choice of way of life I think. Clearly it seems like ‘this is my blog, if u do not like something, bad luck’ . I wish I could do it in the magazine I edit.
If you try doing it in your magazine,all I can say is God bless your magazine and it’s ciruclation..