Challenges in writing a blog/ book
Not sure whether all the readers know / understand / appreciate in writing a book or a blog. So I thought I should share some thoughts at least:
1. No clue about the audience: I have NO clue at all about who reads my blog. Even if I know some names, I have no clue about their education, age, experience, attitude to investing.
2. I get queries ranging from ‘should I invest’ to ‘I have invested Rs. 1.5 crores in xyz mutual fund, can you please tell me what to do with that investment’. Frankly I cannot run a PMS through a blog.
3. My answers in the blog or email can at best be generic, or strategic, not specific.
4. A blog is normally a medium of advertising so that people come to you for their services. Sadly / unfortunately I do not have any retail product.
5. My customers are companies which want xbrl conversion, mutual funds, banks, regulators – and a blog does not enhance my business. I hope it is not harming the business
6. ‘My average reader’ is impossible to define. Surely there would be people who do not know the difference between average and standard deviation on the one hand and a professor of maths in IIT Madras.
7. I write too many articles with caustic remarks – many many people do not catch the humor, and think it is for real. This is very, very scary.
8. I do not expect to make a great impact on your style of investing (expectations cause disappointment) but if you take care – insurance, record keeping, staying away from shitty companies….etc. I will be happy that I have saved your skin.
9. A book is of course far more difficult! I myself would like to make some changes – and I felt that only AFTER Seeing the print out of the book
10. Incorporating all the feed back is tough, if not impossible. One important lesson in life is ‘you cannot please everyone’.
11. You cannot write all articles for everyone. So a simple request is read 10-12 articles before you decide on whether the site is good or otherwise.
Dr M Chandrashekhar
Well said– I agree with your points. Many readers may miss the subtle humour/ satire & take those points seriously whereas it should have been taken lightly.
yes and it is sometimes scary. Also some smart readers might get insulted if I address very basic issues. Luckily for me there is nothing monetary at stake..:-) and i like my bluntness. Hence I did a piece saying ‘malice towards all’. Most media houses blame the manufacturer (insurance companies, mf…etc.) but use their ad money, and they say ‘consumer is right, and the cos. have wronged him’ I feel all of one’s misery IS OUR OWN DOING…of not being diligent…
Subbu Sir,
Thanks for providing educating about financial markets/issues through your blog. A True Guru loves his disciples/students to think on their own feet. I think you also do the same thing to readers i.e. to think on their own feet. Some times direct and few times in-direct. Your blog will definitely spark many readers to think & invest smartly.
Please create a page in your blog where we can get information all good reading material/books/websites etc. This will help wannabe investors like us to improve our understanding about the investment process.
Thank You & God Bless You.
I read your blogs regularly. Yeah as you have mentioned I could miss some subtle points mentioned and take it seriously especially in Home Loans and MF load topics…
Overall your blog is very informative. I suggest that you need to upgrade your blog UI to better version for more readability and articles can be arranged in more proper way, so that a first time visitor/investor can go through all the important articles required
Cheers for your writing and keep us updated..
Hi Subra,
You are doing a great job. Being a blogger myself, I can understand your dilemmas and problems to an extent. But you are doing a great job. Please keep it up. If not changed you have surely influenced a lot of lives. Well, at least mine.
Thanks a lot
Sir, I have been reading your blog for the last one year. You are doing a great job, please continue the same.
To get an idea of the audience you can use Google Analytics (I hope you are already aware of this)
Subra sir,
Frankly you should not care who reads, how they interprete! You are doing awesome job in personal finance enlightening many young souls and preventing them to commit Financial debacles early in their earning life which hurts right through the life. Keep up the good work. We are all addicted to your blogs as much as Tea / Coffee in early morning.
you can put a survey of profiles reading this blog.
you can add me to list , a
early 30s PG from IIT, working in software development reading the blog
Sriram Narayanan
My fiance and I have been following your blog for the past year. We are both able to discuss various money matters without any hindrance since we have your blog and your book to refer to.
Here are some ideas on things that you could cover:1. How to take charge of savings for your family
Some tips on how to start a Recurring Deposit for a younger sibling and how to ensure that the sibling deposits money regularly. How to estimate how much money (and insurance) is needed for emergencies ? How to use this information to convince one’s parents to let one invest in Mutual Funds and Debt Instruments, rather than keep money in a savings account ?
2. Planning for financial emergencies
When does it make sense to have cash and not gold, and vice versa, for emergencies ?
3. Gold for emergencies
Often, our parents/seniors pressurize us to buy and keep gold at home for “emergencies”. In which emergencies would it be difficult to use Gold ? What precautions should one take when buying Gold ? For e.g., a hospital would _not_ accept Gold Bangles in an emergency, and the doctor would instead appreciate having the medical notes available when deciding which drugs to give/avoid.
4. Comparing savings strategies of 25 years ago vs today.
I have two colleagues whose parents insist on financial actions such as Kisan Vikas Patra/Post Office Deposits, 3L Rs LIC policy, keep money in savings account, etc. These colleagues are convinced that they should follow their parents’ advice. How should one contrast such 25 year old strategies with those of today, explain inflation to parents ? What have your experiences in such matters been ?
Ashesh Bharadwaj
A well does not know who drinks water from it but it knows the thirst of a person was quenched.
Those who are not thirsty, water means nothing to them.