Welcome to my blog!
I started my blog in Jan 2008 – so it is now 54 months old. Not some iconic passage of time! In the beginning there used to be 10-12 readers, now there are about 5k regularly and once in a while it peaks to 15000. This is normally because of some link by yahoo – and in one case it was because of retweeting by Sucheta Dalal and Debashis Basu.
I am writing this because I do not see enough usage of the ‘categories’ that you see to the right of the main post. There are articles like http://www.subramoney.com/2008/02/secret-of-successful-investing-philosophy-statement/ which I am sure many of you have missed. Of course a similar example is there in my book http://www.subramoney.com/book-written-by-me/
Apart from articles like this I have written a few stories in the Investment Fables section. Also in sections like Investment myths I have written articles whose main aim is to be doing some myth busts..so please visit those and read them. I do put one story from 2008 or 2009 in facebook as well as one story on Twitter (pv subramanyam).
I have done a few stories on NPS. One of them is this http://www.subramoney.com/2011/06/nps-is-the-national-pension-scheme-suitable-for-you/.
Most of the articles that I have written have no ‘time’ stamp – something like a ‘Common Finance problems’ which is there on FB today (hey there is a subramoney page on FB too) seem to be common right from 2008 to 2012! Similarly the books to read – there in the category of books and book review is also quite timeless, but has undergone a lot of changes.
Once in a while I put it on Google also….
However I have not sought any help from any SEO – i am connected to a few SEOs on FB…but have never sought help / professional guidance on increasing the popularity. It is not as though I prefer an Indian audience, but I do not use words like ‘gas’ or ‘mortgage’ or some other US centric words. I do get readers from 50 countries – and feel good to realize that people in many geographies see what I write. I guess these could be Indians – NRI as we call them!
Happy browsing, happy reading. Please put all your comments on the blog, not on FB or elsewhere…
Your little drops of wisdom are forming an ocean of knowledge…(on a daily basis without missing a single day
Congratulations! Looking forward to more…
I read your blog posts intermittently. They cater variety of finance/other related areas and are always written in an interesting manner. It’s a fantastic work in the field of financial literacy. Quite useful for general retail investors. Not only basic concepts but certain intricate issues/aspects of a common sounding topic, are well brought out by you regularly.
God bless you with health, wealth, peace and a long life.
Hi Subra,
Whenever a post is created I get it in my mail box(sometimes unpublished one). One suggestion from your long time reader
[*]Change your look and feel[*]
There are more good themes on wordpress.
[*]Make *categories* and *archive* expandable[*]
Visitors can be able to know what are the other stuffs you have
[*]Have a link to top visited posts, top commented or recently published
[*]Tags are not needed as category will do its work[*]
I liked the link for investment philosophy statement. Thank you so much.
Subra Sir
I had tried my best to read all the old entries but still had missed the beautiful story of Sneha… Love to see an archive search list by month, with expandable heading list.
Thanks a lot
Pooja Ram
JS and Shreedhar…Subra Sir has posted mistakes, blunders, etc…it is on FB and twitter…
thanks all. Sorry not replying to each individual. Thank you Pooja..for posting this..
Hi Subra, I wish to read your blog in many more years to come…
Keep the good work going…
Pooja, people are not expecting the link you put…
Everyone knows what are we expecting and why? Life teaches you lesson everyday… some time you get profit and sometime you get loss..
You can never be profited always… if anyone does that… well (???)
Srinivas Muthadi
It’s been more than a year and a half that I have been following your blog. I have read every article published and re-read some of them. Most of them I agree. What is interesting are the stories. There is punch in them. What I like most is that your articles make us think. Off late missing the stories. A very useful blog for people who are not in financial field.
A big THANKS for everything!
Ravinder Makhaik
The great Subra looking down upon us, the motley financially ignorant who have been inflicted so many wounds by this blog that one has lost count.
Yet Subramoney goes on, like it has done for years.
Long live Subramoney
Hi Sir,
I have been reading your blog for the past 2 years. I have learned so much across all walks of life, of course personal finance. I have re-read so many articles of yours and noted down the gems.
All I can say in Tamil is “Ungallai Vazhtha Vayathillai, Vanaggukiraen”
Thanks for this wonderful source of knowledge. I am reading your blog since April 2010. Manish from jagoinvestor introduced me to your blog and till date I am blessed with the knowledge you are giving us.
I am an NRI and I mostly read it while I am traveling back to home from office by subway train.
thanks a ton for it and god bless you!
Wow Subra i like the new sub title “Also Personal Finance”
Rajiv Ahuja
I unsubscribed from your blog on word press by mistake .Please include my e-mail address on your blog list so that I receive each of your blog on my e-mail address.
Shankar Narayan
Dear Subra Sir,
Your blog has been a true source of inspiration people in late twenties like me. For someone starting a family, planning to have a kid and going through ups and downs in career – personal finance education and investing discipline is very very important. Wish I had come across you and your blog in early 2006 when I started working. Would have prevented myself from making some basic mistakes.
Keep doing the good job sir!.. heartfelt Thanks!