Sahara vs Sebi
For all those people who feel that the regulator is not doing a good job, well, see what happens even when they do!
Peerless, Sahara, and the likes are great Indian companies. No regulator, or government can ever say that they are doing anything wrong, but nobody is sure also. They can get a license to run a life insurance company, a mutual fund,…and do whatever they want. Then Sahar builds a big huge stadium in Pune – and frankly nobody has any ROI on such projects…
Then one diligent officer of SEBI comes out with a long, speaking order on Sahara’s actions…and the case goes to the Supreme Court. Obviously Sahara’s case is weak. They do the next best thing. Confuse the issue.
The SC says ‘let us examine in greater detail’….OMG…this is gonna drag…
Read what Jaggi has to say….he has said it very well….
How much money does Sahara group have? Last heard they were buying the Plaza hotel in NY and a couple more in London.
few years ago, India today featured Sahara Shrii mentioning-” No one know how much money he has. And no one dares ask!’
Mira D
Didn’t expect the highest court of the land, the court of last resort, to obfuscate.
“What a tangled web we weave…”
Instead of asking how much money they have can we ask ‘which business of their is producing so much cash flow to fund Team India, IPL and all their expaninsion’????