A friend called in to say

‘Subra even if one reader can start saying “I s…..d up and have made investment mistakes’ instead of saying the following:

a. my aunt is an agent so I took a policy

b. my father asked me to buy a house

c. my relationship manager CHURNED my mutual fund portfolio

d. my……churned my ULIP plans

e. The fund house managed my funds badly FOR 7 YEARS….


etc. etc. Subramoney.com would have achieved its purpose….

Hey Raghu,

thanks, but frankly I do not even have such lofty objectives. I am more like Thyagaraja – it is for MY satisfaction….that i keep writing…if somebody benefits, great…




  1. Sir, you are a teacher of financial literacy, some listen rest are sleeping in the class, but the teacher continues, beleiving that if at least one person gets it his work is done!!!!!

  2. Sir,

    Please don’t look at others who tries to erase your line, those who are doing such, they need to consult physicist.

    You are doing good think, sharing your knowledge. Personal Financing is indeed a must for most of people.

    Keep it up.

  3. Thanks for writing…i had been following ur blog for one year. Got ur book tryingg to implement as much as i can. Thanks. God bless…

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