listening to the ‘advisors’
Well I have a lot of presence on the web – fb, linkedin, twitter, then the obvious mails…etc.
One of the websites I use is ‘moneycontrol’ – for prices and charts…funny thing is a part of my portfolio is there.
I keep getting advice as follows:
–Cholamandalam is the biggest loser in your portfolio..what should you do?
-ITC is the biggest winner – is it a good short term buy, long term buy or a trading call?
–Cholamandalam is the biggest winner in your portfolio, what should you do now?
–Coromandel International….loser…now?
–Coromandel Interntaional …
It would be a few shares which get repeated every day…Why?
It takes the ‘absolute’ loss or gain (for the day)…NEVER the %age loss! So it is the same few shares (depending on value) which keep coming up again and again!
Linked IN
this site keeps saying ‘get a recommendation’..which means I should go around asking people about myself. This is a a super great sales call (for Linked In) but not sure how many people can ask for a recommendation in writing ..JUST LIKE THAT? I do not know.
‘add a friend’ – largely because it has 5 friends in common. This is because I have connected to one guy 3 of his sisters, father, brother-in-law,….oops Linkedin please check what are you doing! Of course FB is the worst in terms of what it prompts…and it is sadly not a learning software. It keeps throwing up same names as ‘Friends – suggestion’. It is bugging and boring.
………… i ignore most of this anyway….
Hi Subra Sir, all Social Networking sites are there to make money. As it said by many people on internet “If You’re Not Paying for It; You’re not the Customer but You’re the Product”. Also I would like to share the below article with you to save your and readers privacy: