Vijay Venkatram of wealth forum …has done a detailed analysis of the mutual fund industry. He is asking a question uppermost in most people’s mind -are the men getting separated from the boys?

Personally I wish he had done an analysis with just the equity fund – as one of the tables- which could perhaps also been an indicator of  fund profitability. However that does not take away from the detailing that he has done with the data that is publicly available. The conclusions may be different for different people – but the ‘big getting bigger and small getting marginalised’ theory is well researched. He has shown mathematically at least  there is not much difference in the growth / fall in the AUM. The whole industry seems to have grown at the same pace – however Hdfc, Reliance, UTI, etc. have grown at a rate different from the whole industry! Worth reading the report…

here is the article….

  1. Top10 AUM would not like to loose their position to smaller ones. I foresee consolidation happening in MF industry with smaller ones getting absorbed.



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