Happy New Year to all!
Hey kids…there is no Santa…Wikileaks.
Actually the kids know it…it is the adults who need to be told about this!
so even if you are going on a short ride on your slow cycle…wear a HELMET
even if you are in the pink of health and feeling great….take MEDICAL INSURANCE
one day if you are not there, your dependents still need CASH FLOW….so go and get LIFE INSURANCE
India is a very safe country……….but you may still need………………..HOME INSURANCE
Goddamit you may live too long……………………………so make PENSION arrangement
….there is no Santa grown ups…you need to take care of your back side. Risk comes from ‘NOT KNOWING’..so go get your butt out and do all this.
Happy New Year!!
One of the best New Year Wishes. And yes, very acerbic too!
hi subra,
wish u and ur family a very happy new year.