The Market’s bottom day!
It is always in retrospect that you can have fun about trends. On one fine day – March 9, 2009 that the US markets had hit their low. Check your brokerage account for transactions around that time.
The S&P was below 700, the Great Goldman Sachs was predicting a Dow less than 400, Cnbc was saying the world has already fallen in New zealand and now it is the turn of the US. In India Shankar Sharma was telling us how a Dow below 600 was a given. He painted 2 scenarios – one the dollar weakening and the other Dollar strengthening..but in both cases he saw doom.
GM was at its bankruptcy, Michelle Obama’s biceps was the only American show of strength.
Of course Jon Stewart was rubbishing CNN – and said ‘Of course I would have had a few million if I had heard / listened to cnbc – only I should have started with 100 Million $!
A nice article on this can be found at
Now a year later …ha we know it was the time to buy!
/quote/ Michelle Obama’s biceps was the only American show of strength /unquote/. Hilarious!