Which fund to invest?
Recently one Advisor (and his associated fund house) have been pushing me to invest in a fund of funds. I am a little scared about a super supervisor over looking my funds. However Quantum Long Term equity fund was being pushed to me – really hard to invest in that fund.
I decided to compare 3 funds – large cap biased for sure!
1. Hdfc Top 200 2. Hdfc Equity fund and 3. Quantum Long Term Equity fund
and it looked somewhat like this:
Fund Name 6 months 1 year 3 year
H top 200 54.04% 17.33 15.92
H equity 52.20% 13.01 11.67
Quantum 45.12 9.54 9.84
I was wondering whether this was just a mathematical accident or a deliberate reason why there was such a big difference. I realised that it could have been caused by 2 things:
Fund manager competence and Fund management expenses. Now fund manager competence is questionable because a fund manager can change jobs. So as an investor I could only concentrate on costs.
That was quite revealing: Top 200 amc costs were 1.89; Hdfc Equity was: 1.86 and Quantum was a whooping 2.49!! (the upper limit by SEBI is 2.50%). So I daresay based on competence and costs it will be difficult – almost impossible for Q to catch up with these 2 schemes – and I picked up only one fund house. I could have picked Prudential Icici, DSP, Templeton…and perhaps come to the same conclusion. Sorry for being the party pooper. I see no reason to pick a fund of funds from …..just anywhere. I would prefer a simple Index fund with 0.5% amc charges or stick to the old foggies.
By the way I also have a fund house presentation saying that the index will reach 21000 by July 2010. From 13000 index today (or thereabouts) it means you will get 64% return. Anybody who is so sure of their prediction should NOT BE IN THE BUSINESS of predicting. They should invest Rs. 1000 crores (with leverage @ 12% interest) earn Rs. 640 crores, pay Rs. 120 crores as interest and put Rs. 520 crores (hey it is tax free) in G secs and retire. Just like that. Simple ain’t it?
Nice! Q fund really pushes it too much saying they are honest. i do not doubt their honesty, but investment based on honesty’s no no
Agree with K. Should simplicity, smartness, honesty, modesty be left for others to judge? Also why should one go about claiming “I am innocent” – looks suspicious does it not?