Inflation and mathematics
A pyt in our office today asked a very innocent question. If inflation has gone up from 9% to 11% in a week, next week will it be 14%?
Well the truth is I do not know. However I do know that if it rains 90mm in Mumbai, and it does rain like that for 3 months, Mumbai will be drowned. If the Sensex falls 300 points a day, over 50 trading days the sensex will be zero. This is the problem with mathematics – the user has to know when to stop pulling the mouse! Yesterday one website claimed that Mum -London fares had fallen by 27% over the past 10 years, so, the author reasoned you will be able to fly Mum – Lon @ some ridiculously low amount in the next 10 years. Now if you pull your mouse fast enough and long enough there will be some stage when you will be PAID for travelling Mum – Lon.
Just like the waiting time for a treatment at the NHS in the UK. Let us say today you have to wait 2 days for an abortion. Now if you pull the mouse long enough, surely there will be a stage when you may have to wait for 10 months……pretty useless a wait I guess!
So please use mathematics carefully!