Why are we poor? Or do we call ourselves poor?
I know it is difficult for many readers to accept that they are poor because they call themselves poor! Have we wondered loud enough about is India poor?
I regularly see articles and advertisement for houses costing Rs. 10 crores (2.5 million US $) – and many of the houses being sold out. Are they in the so called posh areas of the bigger cities like Mumbai / Delhi. Heavens, no. These flats are on the outskirts – one of them is about 40km from Nariman Point – on the way to Pune!
However, we require a big mind set change – we need to start saying “What can I do to afford it” rather than “We cannot afford it”. Robert T Kiyosaki can write books, many of us write blogs urging all of our readers to think positive – but ultimately to get rich, you have to do it.
It leads me to the saying “Every journey begins with a thought of doing that journey” – the first step itself a second step is it not?
To win, you need to think you can win. To be rich, you first need to think like a rich man…..that is step one.